
10 Ad Copy Examples That Are So Good, It Hurts!

One click, that’s all a quality ad copy demands. 

Can your ad copy score one? 🤔

Yes – with attractive visuals and intelligent text, you can prompt a chuckle and a click. Ad copy is an essential component of digital marketing; it’s more than just words on a screen. A compelling ad copy engages potential customers and drives action. 

In this blog post, we’ll talk about how to create ad copies that stop your target audience from scrolling. You’ll know how to do it right with:

  1. A deep understanding of what an ad copy is
  2. Ten excellent ad copy examples
  3. Takeaways from the ad copy examples
  4. Tips to sharpen your ad copywriting 
  5. How to use your ad copy across different channels

Scroll down!


What’s an Ad Copy?

If marketing is pizza, ad copy is the sauce. Done well, your ad copies can transform your bottomline.

An effective ad copy becomes the central force of any successful advertising campaign. It highlights a product’s key benefits and features, empowering businesses to amplify sales.

Don’t confuse ad copywriting with general copywriting. General copywriting involves creating content for various channels, such as web content or landing pages. Ad copywriting, on the other hand, aims to sell and promote user actions through advertisements. These ads can be anything, from website popup ads to compelling email copy

Before we discuss our favorite ad copy examples, let us explain what techniques ad copywriting employs to motivate prospects to take action. 

  • Cost savings ad copy: This powerful method informs prospects of monetary savings, often through discounts or free offers. It boosts the perceived value and entices action.
  • Scarcity ad copy: This approach leverages the fear of missing out (FOMO) to communicate the urgency of limited-time offers to provoke consumer response.
  • Social proof ad copy: This technique features testimonials from genuine customers. It validates the product or service’s value through positive association and showcases other customers’ experiences.

There are two primary types of ad copy to consider when devising a marketing campaign — 

  1. Short-form ad copy: Predominantly used in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising across search engines, display networks, and social media platforms. This type of ad copy usually consists of a headline, a brief body copy, and a call to action (CTA). Its brevity demands it to be particularly impactful, capturing the target audience’s attention and swiftly encouraging them to act.
  2. Long-form ad copy: This format gives a more detailed explanation of benefits, features, stories, and testimonials and provides a comprehensive CTA. It is ideal for landing pages, websites, email marketing, traditional print marketing, and digital marketing materials.

TL;DR: Essentially, advertising copy is a form of sales copy crafted specifically to spur prospects into action, thereby funneling them into the sales journey. The primary objective of ad copy is to boost conversion rates, whether the goals are to:

  1. Increase website traffic
  2. Generate leads
  3. Enhance brand awareness
  4. Boost sales 

Our 10 Favorite Ad Copy Examples and Why They Work So Well

Now that you know what ad copy is and what a good ad copy can do for your digital advertising efforts, let’s get to the point. Below are our favorite ad copy examples. 

1. Heinz Ad Copy Example: Mastering the Art of a Tasteful Apology

Heinz Ad Copy Example

“150 years late. 7 ways to apologize.”—this isn’t just an ad copy example; it’s an olive branch extended with a side of self-deprecation.

This ad copy example playfully acknowledges the brand’s delay while inviting the target audience to savor the apology. It’s okay that they’re “150 years late” because there are “7 ways (sauce flavors) to apologize.”

And therein lies the genius—demonstrating that great ad copy examples don’t need to be loud; they simply need to articulate the truth.

This ad does more than display; it narrates a story of time, effort, and a commitment to perfection.

 It’s not about flooding your audience with aggressive sales pitches but crafting ad copy that remains in memory like a well-aged wine.

Unlike the typical feature showcase ad copy, Heinz embraces the finality ad copy, almost addressing “Better late than never.” This isn’t merely creating advertisement copy—it’s crafting a legacy.

2. StreetEasy Ad Copy Example: A Winning Move in Real Estate Marketing

StreetEasy Ad

We all know that Real Estate in New York City is no joke! It’s hard to get a place, let alone an affordable one, with the right amenities. 

This StreetEasy ad campaign hits the busy streets of New York with a playful twist on a serious game: the real estate market. With clever board game imagery and punchy ad copy — it engages the imagination.

The ad’s prime example of compelling ad copy uses the nostalgia of beloved games to tackle the pain point of apartment hunting. It suggests that finding a place with a dishwasher is as easy as rolling dice. 

Pairing with artist Jon Contino, the ad turns functional into fun, using the analogy ad copy to transform a tiring task of apartment hunting into an exciting adventure. 

This is a quality ad copy example that connects with the target audience’s experiences and emotions. The phrase “RENT AN APARTMENT WITH A DISHWASHER THAT ISN’T YOU” adds a touch of humor to the stress of city living– where you don’t have space or money for such luxuries. 

It’s a strategic move that speaks to the New Yorkers’ love for clever and aesthetically pleasing designs. It also taps into the local bias ad copy that resonates with their struggles of living in the city.

3. Favor Ad Copy Example: A Summer Feast at Your Fingertips

Favor Ad

Favor’s Instagram ad for free first-time delivery hits the heart of summer with a tap in targeted audience engagement. The ad copy seizes attention with the power word “FREE” in bold, ensuring a pause in the endless scroll of the feed. This is the kind of ad copy that understands the platform’s visual language: 

  1. Big
  2. Bold
  3. Quick to the point

The imagery displays all the summer delights, invoking scenes of sunny relaxation that the target audience yearns for. It’s a feature showcase ad copy that doesn’t just speak to the stomach; it also creates the eager anticipation of open-air summer dining. 

In addition, the brand uses the caption to solidify the connection between the offer and the season: 

“Get everything you need for summer delivered to a pool, picnic table, or porch near you.”

It places the service directly into potential customers’ summer plans. With just a few words, Favor’s ad copy extends an invitation to make every meal an event and every location a destination.

The proposition of this ad copy example is clear: easy access to summer feasts without the hassle. 

Read also: How to Maximize Your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) in 2024

4. Oatly Ad Copy Example: The Art of Unadvertising

Oatly Ad copy example

Oatly’s ad campaign captures the essence of its brand through what seems like anti-advertising. This is why we’ve selected it among our favorite ad copy examples. 

The message is clear across the ad copy—”It’s like milk but made for humans.” It challenges conventional dairy consumption with a simple phrase. Their sarcastic tone with a pinch of humor isn’t your typical marketing way. That itself strengthens the ad’s impact.

Each of Oatly’s ad copies fits into the larger picture, a brand personality, and makes it memorable and easily recognizable. Oatly speaks directly to the target audience’s desire for authenticity and eco-friendly options. It positions its product as an everyday choice for an environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Oatly Ad 2

Oatly Ad 3

Look at the above images– this approach is the opposite of a hard sell. It’s a conversation starter, inviting the audience to think, discuss the matter, and ultimately remember Oatly’s branding. 

Oatly’s campaign is a testament to the power of ad copy that dares to be different, engaging potential customers with its frank message and dry humor. In the competitive dairy alternative market, Oatly sets itself apart, not by shouting the loudest but by speaking with a voice all its own.

Read also: What is Cost Per Action (CPA)? Benefits, Challenges, and Tips

5. The Economist Ad Copy Example: A Smart Sell 

Economist Ad Copy Example

How can we not include the genius of The Economist among our ad copy examples? 

The Economist’s ads capture the publication’s essence through minimalistic yet powerful ad copy that engages the intellect of its readership. The Economist’s ad copy doesn’t just sell a newspaper; it sells a mindset and does so flawlessly. 

“Siri’s listening. Say something intelligent.” This is not just an ad; it’s a challenge to the reader, an invitation into a conversation of substance. They’re announcing that readers of The Economist only care for such dialogue of intelligence and insight. And that’s what they offer! 

Take a look at the next two: 

Economist Ad 2

Economist Ad 3

“Enjoy your own company” is what the Economist delivers–  self-reliance and the ability to spend time alone.

The next ad copy– “Having potential is great if you’re 12,” sarcastically defines their audience. It asserts that the publication isn’t for people with just potential but accomplished people. It uses the aspirational marketing method by associating itself with people of a certain class, creating a desire for exclusivity. 

In addition to smart copywriting, the stark red background across all three ads is a bold statement, too. They call for attention with simple color psychology without overdoing it. 

These snippets are not just ad copy; they are intellectual nudges. These ad copies attract a distinct target audience by mirroring the magazine’s smart, bold, and unapologetically direct character. 

Read also: Native Advertising Examples That Master the Art of Subtle Selling

6. Eversource Energy Ad Copy Example: A Warm Approach to Cold Facts

Eversource Ad Copy Example

We wanted to include a LinkedIn ad in our ad copy examples, so here’s a good one! 

Eversource’s LinkedIn ad copy targets its existing customers, letting them know they care. The ad copy demonstrates an understanding of the audience’s struggle as it acknowledges a pressing regional issue—rising natural gas costs due to colder temperatures. The illustration visually complements the message, featuring a person putting up with the cold.

It emphasizes the brand’s empathy with its current customers and proves that ads are not just to target new customers but also to promote free guides or services to existing customers.

This ad copy is direct to extend its help. It doesn’t overdo emotions with a text-heavy copy. Instead, it presents a straightforward and practical solution with its call to action, “Eversource is here to help customers manage their bills.” 

The ad’s dual focus—addressing the situation’s reality and providing a helpful resource—establishes Eversource as a supportive ally in times of need. The ad copy’s effectiveness lies in a positive association with the company.

It’s a subtle reminder of the brand’s commitment to its customers, encouraging brand loyalty and engagement without the hard sell. 

7. Goodbuy Ad Copy Example: Clever Convergence of Commerce and Conscience

Goodbuy Ad

Goodbuy’s ads are a blend of informative and values-based copy. They engage the audience with startling facts while advocating for conscious shopping choices. 

By highlighting the plight of small businesses in the shadow of mega-retailers, the ad copy not only presents a pain point but also positions the brand as a solution. 

With video ads, Facebook ads, and leveraging other social media platforms, Goodbye uses the stats to create an impact and grab attention in a crowded digital advertising space. 

Ending on an inviting note, “Say hello to the easy button for conscious shopping,” along with a soft nudge, “Add Goodbuy – it’s free!” makes an excellent call-to-action. 

These ad copies are examples of factual storytelling not just to sell a product but to champion a cause. It transforms passive readers into proactive participants and enhances the perceived value of the brand in the eyes of potential customers. 

8. Wix Ad Copy Example: Commanding Leadership in the Digital Space

Wix Ad

Let’s check off Google ads in our ad copy examples with the best one first– Wix!

Wix’s Google Ads strategy is a lesson in authoritative marketing. It showcases its platform as “The Best Website Builder.” This bold claim is a prime example of how ad copy can assert market dominance. 

Their ad copy is structured for good UX. It catches the audience’s attention with direct links to what most may look for and also displays different segments of their services:

  • Free website-building tools
  • Professional hiring
  • Enterprise-level solutions
  • Pricing 

It reinforces the exclusivity of ad copy by illustrating their unique value proposition in a crowded market. This urges the targeted audience to view Wix as the go-to solution with a single message and a portal to multiple avenues. 

It is a calculated move to ensure potential customers see Wix as a comprehensive solution regardless of their needs. 

Wix gives a robust ad copy example for others aiming to solidify their place in the competitive service-based business landscape. It demonstrates how confidence in ad copywriting can translate to customer confidence in the brand.

9. Cleveland Plumber Ad Copy Example: Tapping Into Urgent Needs with Precision

Cleveland Plumber Ad

Here’s another good Google ad copy example.

Cleveland Plumber’s Google Ad shows how well-crafted ad copy aligns with the immediate needs of its targeted audience. By emphasizing “24/7 Same Day Plumber Services,” the ad directly addresses the urgency of the search intent in the “plumber near me” search.

It’s usually people in a plumbing crisis who search for that. 

Additionally, the ad’s focus on round-the-clock availability shows that they understand the target audience’s potential emergency. This is ad copywriting that goes beyond listing services. It speaks to the potential customer’s situation, offering fast relief and peace of mind. 

Strategically, the ad copy leverages the transactional search intent by making a clear offer likely to result in immediate action—calling for help. The ad copy doesn’t waste a moment on anything that doesn’t serve the end goal: to get the plumber to the customer’s door as quickly as possible. 

This kind of targeted ad copy always focuses on the search intent. It positions Cleveland Plumber as the immediate solution when someone needs plumbing services.

10. HingeAd Copy Example: Cleverly Closing the Deal on Dating

Hinge Ad Copy Example

We left the best one for last. One of our favorite ad copy examples, Hinge, strikes at the heart of what the app user ultimately wants—a genuine connection. How does it do that? In concise and witty copy. 

The command “Fall in love. Delete Hinge.” is a prime example of clarity in digital advertising copy. It cuts through the noise with a message that skips directly to what it delivers. Fulfilling the audience’s desire for a relationship is the very outcome that would make the app redundant.

And, with a counterintuitive approach urging users to delete the app, Hinge cleverly plays on the finality of ad copy style. 

This reverse psychology is not only memorable but also an outstanding demonstration of understanding the target audience’s pain points.

Hinge’s ad copy shows confidence in its service. It is both creative and suggestive of a brand that truly gets its users.

So, What Should be Your Takeaway From These Ad Copy Examples? 

Creating cool display ads isn’t all about aesthetics. From the above ad copy examples, you might’ve noticed that it requires a blend of elements. All the elements should work together to grab the right attention and convert views into actions. 

Here are these key elements that every good ad copy should include and how to master them:

  • Eye-Catching Design: The visual appeal of a display ad is crucial. 
    1. Feature bright, bold colors and engaging visuals. 
    2. Balance negative space effectively to highlight important elements like a clear, concise message and a direct call-to-action (CTA). 

This design approach helps create ad copy that stands out and captures the audience’s attention on different platforms brimming with ads.

  • Compelling Headline: The headline is vital as the hook that grabs the target audience’s attention. 
    1. Make it impactful with statistics, metaphors, questions, or a strong statement.
    2. Include a CTA that spurs the viewer into action.
    3. Add a sense of urgency to prompt immediate responses. 

A prime example of this could be using powerful words or a logical appeal that connects with the person’s ego, encouraging them to act swiftly.

  • Clear and Concise Copy: The copy should be brief yet powerful enough to convey the product or service’s benefits easily.
    1. Use active voice and incorporate a strong CTA to engage the reader and boost conversions. 
    2. Emphasize perceived value and monetary savings with Ad copywriting to make the message more compelling.
  • Relevant Visuals: High-quality images or videos that align with the brand’s message are essential. 
    1. Add images, GIFs, or other graphics that support the ad’s narrative and help build brand recognition. 
    2. Include a short video that effectively communicates the ad’s message and increases the conversion rate.
  • Strategic Call-to-Action: Every display ad needs a well-defined CTA.
    1. Design your CTA to be attractive.
    2. Address the viewer’s needs directly with potential incentives like discounts or exclusive offers. 
    3. Consider the digital advertising norms to ensure it fits the platform it’s displayed on, whether it’s Google ads or Facebook ads.

Using these elements leverages advertising copy to sell a product and create successful ads that resonate deeply with potential customers. This will lead to positive reviews and sustained engagement.

All the ad copy examples above feature these elements. If you master them, you can craft ad copy that serves two purposes: capturing the audience’s attention and significantly enhancing conversion rates. 

Read also: 18 Sales Page Examples We Can All Learn From

Want Some Expert Tips?

We think you’ll appreciate them… So here are five things from experts to keep in mind:

Address the audience’s concerns directly

Understanding the pain points of your targeted audience is crucial for launching successful ads. It helps you create relatable and impactful advertising copy. 

Don’t: Bombard consumers with a lot of different pieces of information!

Do: Pinpoint and address real, data-backed issues only. 

To discover what truly resonates with your audience:

  1. Engage directly with them through surveys
  2. Explore positive reviews
  3. Participate in online communities like Facebook groups or Reddit

This engagement allows you to collect authentic feedback on your product and service. Then, use the same language your customers use to boost the perceived value of your ad copy.

Personalize your communication

We can’t stress enough the importance of personalization in marketing. All industry experts can agree that personalized communication increases the audience’s attention to your ad copy and fosters a positive association with your brand. You’ll see personalized communication in all the best ad copy examples.

Don’t: Create create ad copy targeting broad demographics 

Do:  Use a conversational tone when crafting your ad copy

Use “you” to address the audience in the message to make it a friendly dialogue.

By addressing the consumer directly, you can help them visualize themselves benefiting from your product, thereby increasing the conversion rate.

Read More: Database Marketing Is The Future Of Personalization

Get some action with action words

What makes an effective CTA? Words that provoke actions!

Utilizing action verbs like “discover” or “grab” in your ad copy introduces excitement and urgency. 

For instance, if you’re launching a new fashion line:

Don’t: Use passive “Our new collection is available.”

Do: Use action inciting “Explore our latest collection now!” 

This method captures attention and encourages immediate interaction with your ad, boosting its effectiveness.

Trigger emotional responses

An ad copy that plays with human emotions is a sure shot to success. Martin Lindstrom, a neuroscience expert, notes in his book Buyology that emotional responses often override logical thinking in purchasing decisions. Therefore, incorporating emotional triggers in your ad copy can dramatically increase engagement and conversions. 

Words such as “exclusive,” “hurry,” or “love” evoke strong emotional reactions that can drive consumers to act quickly. 

For example, say you’re creating an ad copy for a concert:

Don’t: Simply ask the audience to book tickets.

Do: Tap into emotions such as excitement and FOMO with phrases like “Secure your seats now to experience the thrill live!” 

Simplicity over complexity

Keeping your ad copy simple and straightforward is key to easy comprehension and immediate action. Even intelligent ads, such as the Economist’s, are quite simply worded.

Don’t: Use complex jargon or overly technical descriptions that might alienate your target audience.

Do: Express wit, sarcasm, and humor with simple words anyone can read and understand.

By implementing these strategies, you can create successful and even intelligent ads that engage and convert. Whether through Google ads, great Facebook ads, or short videos, these tips are designed to enhance the craft of copywriting across various platforms. 

Where Can You Use Your Ad Copy?

Good copywriting skills will enable you to craft killer ad copies for a wide range of channels. Here are eight avenues you should explore.

Social media 

Social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest offer prime venues for display ads. These platforms enable businesses to target their audience, track sales origins, and gauge real-time ad performance.

Great Facebook ads and other social media ads typically blend compelling headlines, descriptive content, and attractive visuals. Here’s a social media ad copy example:

Social Media ad copy

Display ads

Display ads, including banner ads and popups, are foundational elements of digital advertising. These ads can also extend into video ads, which are increasingly common on platforms like YouTube. 

Display advertising across various websites and blogs navigates users to a landing page. They enhance conversion rates through strategic ad copywriting. Here’s a good display ad copy example:

Display ad copy

Search engine ads

Google ads enable businesses to feature prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs) by bidding on relevant keywords. Search ads are particularly effective due to Google’s quality score, which assesses the relevance of ad copy, landing page quality, and keyword relevance. 

These text-based ads don’t have any imagery and rely on a compelling call to action (CTA). Therefore, search ad copywriting must motivate clicks and visits to the website. Here’s a good search engine ad copy example: 

Search engine ad

Email ads

Email marketing enjoys the highest ROI among marketing strategies. It is critical for businesses that wish to enhance customer loyalty and repeat purchases. Email ads engage subscribers who have opted in to receive updates, making this form of advertising less intrusive and typically more welcome than other types.

email ad


Read More: How To Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns Stand Out 

Native ads

Designed to blend seamlessly with the page content, native ads aim to minimize disruption in the user experience. These ads mimic editorial content but are marked as sponsored by the advertisers. This format is especially popular in online and print publications, where it can subtly promote products without overt disruption.

Here’s a native ad copy example from Forbes:

Native ad


Billboards continue to be a strong option for local businesses targeting geographic areas. They are especially useful for building top-of-mind brand awareness in high-traffic areas. Effective billboard ad copy might feature eye-catching slogans or special promotions like a BOGO, such as the ad copy example below:

Billboard ad

Video ads

As digital consumption patterns evolve, video ads have surged in popularity. Unlike static display ads, video advertisements offer dynamic content similar to traditional commercials. The advertising copy might be spoken dialogue or text displayed on the screen. Here’s a TikTok video ad copy example from NYX:

Video Ad Copy

Print advertising

Though more traditional, print advertising is still alive, particularly targeting specific customer demographics. Ads placed in magazines, newspapers, and brochures offer a tangible component that digital ads can’t offer. Since physical touch can create memorable experiences, print advertising can create better brand recognition within a targeted customer segment. 

Here’s an exceptionally smart and attention-grabbing print ad copy example from Daihatsu: 

Print ad copy


Mastering the art of ad copywriting is essential for any digital advertising campaign aiming to stand out in a crowded Facebook feed or search results. From crafting feature showcase ad copy that highlights unique product characteristics to developing creatives that capture the imagination, the power of a good ad copy cannot be overstated.

We hope the ad copy examples in this article guide you in creating your perfect ad. Keep the expert tips in mind and address the pain points smartly. You’ll need centralized customer management if you want to leverage personalization in your ad copy and deliver a unified message on all platforms. 

EngageBay, the all-in-one marketing, sales, and customer support tool, can help. Use it for audience segmentation, A/B testing, personalized email broadcasts, landing pages, popups, and more. Engage your audience better with EngageBay and convert them into paying customers today. 


What is ad copy, and why is it important?

Ad copy is the copywriting used in advertising to convey a message or persuade potential customers. It’s crucial because it directly influences the effectiveness of your ad campaign, impacting both the conversion rate and the overall success of your marketing efforts. Quality ad copy can distinguish your brand and drive engagement.

How can I make my ad copy stand out among competitors?

To make your ad copy stand out, focus on creating unique value propositions, using novelty ad copy, and tapping into exclusivity ad copy. Craft messages that address specific pain points or leverage risk bias ad copy to resonate more deeply with your target audience.

What are the most effective strategies for testing ad copy?

The most effective strategies include A/B testing different versions of your ad copy and using tools like Google Ads for real-time feedback. You can measure engagement levels through conversion rates and positive reviews. Testing helps refine messaging to better meet the needs of your potential customers.

Can the same ad copy work across different marketing channels?

While some elements of a successful ad can be adapted across channels, it’s important to customize your ad copy to fit each platform’s unique context and user expectations. What works in a Facebook ad may not resonate in a search ad since there’s no visual context in the latter. 

How often should I update my ad copy?

Update your ad copy regularly to align with new marketing goals, respond to changing customer needs, or refresh stale messaging. The frequency can depend on performance metrics and seasonal trends in your industry.

What’s the best way to measure the success of my ad copy?

Measure the success of your ad copy by tracking conversion rates, analyzing engagement metrics such as click-through rates (CTRs), and gathering customer feedback. Tools like EngageBay and advertising copy analytics can provide comprehensive insights.

How can I write ad copy that appeals to my target audience?

Understand the demographics, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Use this insight to craft ad copy that speaks directly to them, employing social proof and factoid ad copy to enhance credibility and relatability.

Are there any common pitfalls to avoid when writing ad copy?

Yes, there are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing ad copy. These include:

  • Being too generic
  • Including unclear CTA phrases
  • Overlooking the importance of headline impact
  • Not aligning the ad copy with the landing page content. 

Avoid these by focusing on targeted ad copy and consistency across your ad creative.

How do I balance creativity with clarity in my ad copy?

Strike a balance by being inventive in how you present your message without sacrificing the message’s clarity. Use clear, concise language enhanced by creative elements like metaphors or humor to grab the audience’s attention without confusing them.

Can good ad copy compensate for a lower advertising budget?

Yes, compelling ad copy can significantly enhance the effectiveness of limited ad budgets by improving organic engagement and boosting word-of-mouth marketing. Strong ad copy that resonates with potential customers can lead to higher conversion rates even with fewer financial resources.

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