Motivation can be difficult at times, especially when you’ve had a tough week or day when things aren’t really working in your favor. If you’re going through a rough phase, we’re here with some motivational memes that can make you smile even on a dull day.
After all, the famous Mark Twain quote goes, “Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing.” And what better way to share this blessing than by sharing memes? 😉
Remember to acknowledge that you are not alone in your struggles. Let your struggles connect you to others rather than isolate you.
Because you matter.
Without further ado, let’s get meme-ing and pump you up with today’s dose of daily motivation!
Table of Contents
16 Motivational Memes That Are Funny And Profound
It’s time to sit back, relax, and look through these funny memes 🙂
1. When YouTube motivational videos work…but briefly
We all watch those YouTube motivational videos and TED Talks when we are feeling down.
Some days it really helps you get back in the groove of things and get moving. But on other days, it falls flat on its face, much like a speeding motorcycle rider on a poorly constructed road.
The good news is you can always find the inspiration you need within yourself.
But sometimes, those motivational videos really make you want to change your whole life. Whatever side of the YouTube fence you find yourself on, we hope you enjoyed this meme.
2. When people underestimate you, but you make a comeback
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you surely must have heard of the new Game of Thrones prequel based on the history of the Targaryen dynasty — House of the Dragon.
After the lackluster (pun intended) ending of the original Game of Thrones franchise that left many fans disappointed, many were quick to write off the prequel even before it aired.
However, the show had a satisfying ending to its first season, which surprised many fans. Let us take inspiration from this and remember that we all get second chances in life to make things right.
3. When you have only emotions, but no time …
Often, our mental health may not cooperate with our busy schedules. Especially those pesky emotions that come up unbidden in the middle of the week, when we have another million things to complete!
A quick and easy way to avoid a mental breakdown, or “menty-b” as the kids are calling it these days, is to simply have “quick spirals” and get back to your week.
Remember to strike a reasonable balance between hustling hard at life and taking self-care seriously.
Read also: 10 Funny Customer Success Memes That Every CSM Could Relate To
4. Fellow procrastinators, don’t give up hope!
Especially if you work in a field that demands your creativity, you may get the urge to procrastinate.
For instance, writers are notoriously known to clean their entire desks before they can sit down to write.
If you are someone who struggles with this pesky habit, remember that you’re in good company. There’s hope left for us yet! On a serious note, the Pomodoro technique is an excellent method for anyone looking to break their procrastination habit and improve focus and productivity.
Do try it if you’re stuck with work, and let us know if it worked for you!
Read also: Shopping on Your Mind? 15 Black Friday Memes Sure to Get You ROTFL!
5. It be like this sometimes (when waiting for inspiration)!
We all know this feeling when we really want to do well at work, and we keep waiting for that one spark of inspiration to arrive.
But this is not always a great plan of action, nor is it very practical.
If this is your situation today, we advise you to stop waiting! Some days, you just have to dig a lot deeper and be the inspiration yourself.
Keep plugging away at your work, and don’t wait. Remember, you have done creative work before, and you can do it again for sure.
Read also: 20 Email Memes For Marketers: Because We Deserve to Laugh, Too!
6. When your mind just refuses to cooperate …
Often, the very reason we may struggle is a conflict between our conscious mind and our unconscious mind, as any therapist would be able to tell you. In this meme that draws from the Star Trek series, this tussle between different parts of our minds is highlighted hilariously.
7. The moment you step outside your comfort zone …
Drawing from the iconic sci-fi movie Back to the Future, this hilarious meme shows us exactly what’s going on in our minds whenever we break out of our familiar comfort zone to try something new.
But the good news is that it is most difficult initially, and it can only get easier from here.
The “shadow” is a term coined by the famous psychologist Carl Jung. It refers to the irrational, instinctive parts of ourselves that we may not consciously acknowledge.
Again the good news is that the shadow includes both positive and not-so-positive aspects of ourselves. So keep your hopes high and break out of your comfort zone.
You won’t regret it.
Read also: 25 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Watching Netflix
8. When the only way out is through …
This meme is as profound as it is funny.
Drawing from the classic Tom & Jerry cartoons we all loved as kids, this meme shows us that sometimes our fears are just in our heads.
Our fears appear larger than they actually are in reality.
Whether your fear is public speaking or just taking that big risk at work, the best way is to move towards the fear rather than away from it. Only by confronting our fears with deep honesty can we learn to overcome them.
Read also: 10 Creative Sales Memes to Help You Chuckle and Sell More!
9. When we have to keep calm and pretend to smile …
If we are completely honest, those boring afternoon meetings can sometimes be an absolute drag.
Sitting through these meetings and keeping your cool is an under-appreciated skill that we must all hone at some point in our careers. Remember when you’d just started your career and wanted to be included in all the meetings?
This meme draws from the popular comedy show Arrested Development, where Tobias Funke is trying to begin a new career as an actor. However, rest assured that you probably have better acting skills than Tobias, especially if you’ve been sitting through several meetings.
10. When you’re breaking out of negative loops one day at a time …
It is but natural that if you’ve been through a recent traumatic incident like losing a loved one, your body and mind may need a little bit of extra time to process all the emotions that come up.
However, if we are not careful, this can become a vicious loop where your emotions get in the way of your work and vice versa.
If you are struggling with these issues, please ask for support from friends and family or seek professional help.
This meme is a nod to the series The Office.
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11. When caffeine isn’t a panacea for all your problems …
This one is for all of us caffeine addicts out there.
Most of us usually have a morning ritual with a beverage of our choice, where we mentally prepare for the day ahead. While this is a great way to mindfully start your day, remember that neither coffee nor tea can actually solve your problems for you.
So grab that cuppa of espresso and get ready to be more alert as you find a way to solve your own problems.
Read also: 54 Marketing Memes to Make your Day
12. We have something in common with Tacos!
Who doesn’t love tacos, right?
Even when they fall apart into a delicious mess in our hands, we can’t help but love tacos.
So, in addition to sustenance, take warm hope from tacos and remember that even when you have days when you fall apart, it does not define you by any means. You are more than the worst experiences of your life.
Remember that with time, you will be able to pull yourself again and try again.
After all, failure is nothing but a stepping stone to success. So don’t give up, and don’t be ashamed of your struggles.
13. Millenial humor about our terrible coping mechanisms…
One thing that sets Gen-Z and millennials apart from the previous generations is our open-mindedness towards going to therapy.
These therapist jokes have now become a very popular meme template and are a nod to the sheer diversity of our coping mechanisms.
But, keep in mind that no matter what poor coping mechanisms you may have developed in the past to survive, you can always replace them with healthy coping mechanisms that will help you to thrive.
That said, being sarcastic is fun too! And a good dose of laughter never hurt anyone on a bad day.
Read also: 50+ Motivational Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Drive
14. When you grow up and understand Ross’s pain …
Most of us would remember Ross’s famous meltdown in the famous sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Ross had an absolutely terrible year, and the stolen sandwich broke the proverbial camel’s back.
We can all relate to this.
Some days, you hold yourself together through all the difficult aspects of the day, and then you stub your toe at night…
As adults, we can finally understand what our teenage selves couldn’t — how to hold ourselves together when “it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.”
15. When your weekend plans made plans of their own…
Have you ever had this experience, where you made plans for the weekend only to have none of it work out?
And often, when our plans get canceled, we just want to sit comfortably and relax at home in quiet and peace. But what if we end up doomscrolling on social media?
Whether you identify as an introvert or an extrovert, make sure to include spending time with others and alone over the weekends. Too much socializing or too much time spent alone can be harmful to your mental health in the long run.
As with most things in life, it is about striking up the right balance.
16. Motivation from a cute baby Hedgehog!
If you didn’t know that hedgehog babies are cute little munchkins, I’m happy to introduce you to this baby hedgehog cheering you on!
Sometimes when things feel bleak, when skies are dark, the littlest things can give us hope. And that little thing might just be a hedgehog. 🦔
Keep up your hard work! You got this!
17. Another “little thing” rooting for you
In case the baby hedgehog didn’t convince you (we doubt it), here’s a puppy saying you’re awesome!
There’s a reason dogs and cats rule the internet. That’s because they are cute. Just looking at them makes us happier.
So what better way to inspire yourself to do great things than by looking at cute memes of cats and dogs?
Read also: Sales Pipeline Guide for Dummies (with relatable memes)
18. When you just can’t focus on work…
There are some days when we just can’t focus on work, no matter how hard we try. We keep twiddling our thumbs, starting outside the window and taking multiple bathroom breaks…
And you know what? It’s okay. Some days are just not it.
Don’t give yourself a hard time over it. Try to catch up the next day. And if your boss isn’t as supportive as Mr. Cat in the meme above, make sure to assure them that you will bring your best version to work the next day!
19. A little duck threatens you! 👀
It seems like little animals have taken over this blog somehow. We are not sorry.
When things get hard, it can be helpful to remember this Jim Carrey quote, “I believe depression is legitimate. But I also believe that if you don’t exercise, eat nutritious food, get sunlight, get enough sleep, consume positive material, surround yourself with support, then you aren’t giving yourself a fighting chance.”
This is very wise advice. When you feel like you can do nothing, start small. Get out of bed. Get some sunshine. Move.
Read more: 26 Relatable Business Memes Sure to Make You LOL!
20. Own your to-do list!
This one is to drill the last point home because it’s that important.
We understand that not everyone might have the luxury of taking it slow. There are bills to pay and duties to attend to, right?
But, take some time for yourself. Attend to the small pleasures of life. Enjoy that coffee, share a joke with your coworker, be alive.
21. When the going gets tough…
The tough get going!
Nature is resilient. It can survive in the harshest of conditions even when you least expect it.
A little flower peeks out of tough concrete to say that you can survive. And survive, you will! Even if it’s out of pure spite. 😈
22. Positive attitude
We get it. “Positive attitude,” “positive thoughts,” etc., have been done to death, especially in corporate.
But you know what? Just because something is overdone, doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Sometimes our reaction to a problem might make it worse than it actually is. While a positive attitude may not solve your problem, it will definitely help you deal with it better.
23. A funny motivational quote
Is the quote funny, or is the image of the kid squatting? 😅
But the point still stands, “Go hard or Go home”!
24. Laugh or jog, or do both
Here’s another awesome meme that we hope motivates you.
Now, whether it motivates you to laugh or take a jog in the park, we’ll let you decide that. 😌
25. Ending on a lighter note
Well, the last meme in this blog is about perception. The raccoon has a solid point. Just because you’re not appreciated somewhere, doesn’t mean that you have no value.
Sometimes you need to change places to realize your worth.
Read more: 89 Quotes About Success and Growth: From Struggling to Soaring
These are some of the memes we found interesting this week. Which meme resonated with you the most and made you smile?
Let us know in the comments below.
Our sincere hope is that these memes remind you that you are not alone in your struggles and that no matter how dark it seems, light always follows.
We aren’t here to push platitudes or quotes about success that may prove ineffective in the long run. The first step to combating burnout and lack of momentum is acknowledging what you’re going through.
It’s only by acknowledging our feelings that we can begin to let go of them, as most psychologists would tell you.
We are here to remind you that you hold great power in your hands to change not only your own life but also the lives of those around you. If you have failed today, it is important you wake up tomorrow and fight harder. And there’s no shame in asking for help because you can help others when it’s your turn.
After all, isn’t that what community is all about?
Content updated for freshness and SEO by Swastik Sahu
Wow, these motivational memes truly hit home! They’re like a burst of inspiration when I need it the most. Do you have a favorite meme from the list? Let’s share our thoughts and keep the motivation flowing!