
How to Write Welcome Email Subject Lines (Tips + Templates)

Are you trying to build good relationships with your customers? Or are you trying to understand how you can do that? In this digital era, email marketing is a powerful catalyst for you to deepen those relationships!

But the journey begins with that very first interaction – the welcome email. And knowing how to write welcome email subject lines defines your introduction to your clients and customers.

This initial welcome message is the defining element of your relationship with your potential customers. Welcome emails to your new subscribers are your chance to introduce your brand.

Additionally, this is also a great chance to show your customers what you bring to the table!

But before your new subscribers even open your email, they need to see something that compels them to click – the subject line.

So, are you wondering how to become an expert at writing attention-grabbing subject lines and acing email marketing? We’ve got you covered! 

How to Write Welcome Email Subject Lines
Source: Grammarly


Key Takeaways

  • Welcome emails present a remarkable open rate as compared to regular promotional emails.
  • There’s no one-size-fits-all approach – the perfect subject lines differ vastly for different industries and audiences.
  • Invest time and creativity in curating subject lines for your welcome emails. 
  • Avoid spam words and focus on clear value propositions and personalization.
  • Prioritize the crucial first few weeks of subscriber interaction.
  • Focus on cultivating a loyal audience and pave the way for a successful email marketing strategy.

The Importance of Welcome Emails

In email marketing, welcome emails reign supreme as the gateway to building lasting customer relationships. They serve as the initial handshake, the warm introduction that sets the stage for a mutually beneficial connection with your new subscribers.

Did you know that welcome emails boast an average open rate of a whopping 50%? That’s significantly higher than the industry standard for promotional emails. This translates to a captivated audience eager to learn more about your brand.  

But hold on – before they delve into the content of your email, they need to be enticed by the first impression: the subject line. 

The subject line acts as the headline, the deciding factor that determines whether your email gets banished to the abyss of unread messages or takes center stage in the subscriber’s inbox.  

A well-crafted subject line sparks curiosity, piques interest, and, ultimately, compels the user to open your email and embark on the journey you’ve so carefully crafted.

Importance of Welcome Emails
Source: Drip

The Anatomy of an Effective Welcome Email Subject Line

Now that we have understood the critical role of welcome email subject lines, let’s see what makes subject lines genuinely compelling!

Here’s what separates a subject line that gets ignored from one that sparks a click:

  • Clarity and brevity: Keep it short and sweet! People are bombarded with emails, so aim for a subject line under 50 characters. Get straight to the point and ensure your message is clear and easy to understand.
  • Personalization power: Personalization is king! Use the subscriber’s name in the subject line. Personalized subject lines instantly grab attention and create positive emotions of connection. Many email marketing platforms offer “personalization tokens” that automatically insert a subscriber’s name into the subject line.
  • Intrigue and curiosity: A touch of mystery will bring out the curious human nature. Tease a valuable piece of content within your email or pose a thought-provoking question to pique the subscriber’s interest. Make them wonder what awaits them inside your email.
  • Embrace your brand voice: Your subject line should reflect the personality and tone of your brand. Are you playful and informal? Keep your subject line light and friendly. Do you exude a sense of authority and expertise? Craft a subject line that conveys confidence and sets expectations.
  • Action verbs that motivate: Don’t be afraid to use strong verbs that encourage action. Words like “Discover,” “Unlock,” “Learn,” and “Get Started” can subconsciously prompt the subscriber to open your email and take the next step.
  • Make it interesting: Consider using emojis strategically. While not appropriate for every brand, a well-placed emoji can add a touch of personality and grab attention in a crowded inbox. However, use them sparingly to avoid appearing unprofessional. 

Also read: How to Write eCommerce Welcome Emails That Delight and Convert

Successful Welcome Email Subject Line Examples

So, you’ve grasped the anatomy of a winning subject line, but where do you begin employing the email strategy? Fear not! Let’s explore some real-world examples categorized by the strategies they employ.

Using humor

If you’re in retail, you can definitely start with something light-hearted for your new subscribers. For example: 

“Hey Girl! Welcome to the Club (We Don’t Have a Dress Code)”

A light-hearted approach that breaks the ice and creates a sense of community, making your new subscribers feel like they’re a part of something big. It also grabs the recipient’s attention like no other.

You can use humor in other ways as well. Take a look at this funny subject line, which will surely receive innumerable clicks!

Successful Welcome Email Subject Line Examples: Using Humor
Source: Popupsmart

Instilling curiosity

Interrogative subject lines are sure to spark that curiosity in your new subscribers, making them wonder what you have in store for them. For example: 

If you’re working in content marketing, you can say something like: “What Will You Discover in Your Inbox Today?”.

This sparks curiosity and leaves the subscriber wanting to find out more. If you’re trying to sell, perhaps a subject line like the following will benefit you.

Forever 21 tried to use an interrogative tone with its customers to ensure that their carts didn’t remain loaded!

Successful Welcome Email Subject Line Examples: Instilling Curiosity
Source: Convertcart

Add personalization

Personalized subject lines are known to create a deeper connection with customers and make them feel like they belong. These subject lines ensure that your subscribers know you care for them. Take a look at this example: 

“Anne, Glad You’re Here! Your Free Gift Awaits!” 

Directly addressing the subscriber by name adds a personal touch and incentivizes them to open the email. Take a look at this example by a company called Beauty Pie, which definitely made their customer, Steph, feel acknowledged and valued!

Adding Personalisation to Welcome Email Subject Line
Source: Truss Creative

Make offers

Adding a discounted number in the subject line has the power to increase your sales multi-fold. If you are selling a product, you can say something such as: “Unlock 20% Off Your First Purchase – Welcome!” 

Highlighting an exclusive offer right off the bat grabs attention and entices the subscriber to learn more. Take a look at this example below. The company has strategically used emojis to make the subject line look tempting while keeping it short, simple, and appealing to the customers!

Remember, the best subject line for your brand will depend on your target audience and overall brand voice.

So, take inspiration from successful examples and build lasting relationships with your new subscribers through welcome emails and catchy subject lines. 

Read also: How to Write an Effective Welcome Email

Best Practices for Crafting Your Welcome Email Subject Lines

Now that you’re armed with the elements of a successful welcome email subject line and a toolbox of inspiring examples, let’s delve into the best practices for crafting them.

  • Know your audience: It all starts with understanding who you’re reaching out to. What grabs their attention? What are their pain points and desires? Tailor your subject line to resonate with their specific interests and needs.
  • Test and refine: Don’t settle for guesswork! A/B testing allows you to experiment with different subject lines and see which ones generate the highest open rates.  This data-driven approach helps you continuously refine your approach and craft subject lines that truly resonate with your audience.
  • Content consistency is key: Your subject line is like a headline – it should accurately reflect the content within the email.  A misleading subject line might generate an initial click, but it will ultimately damage trust with your subscribers.  Ensure your subject line aligns with the value proposition offered in your email, building trust and encouraging long-term engagement.
  • Embrace mobile optimization: With the majority of emails being opened on mobile devices, subject line optimization is crucial. Keep your subject lines concise (under 50 characters), and avoid using complex phrasing that might not display well on smaller screens.

By following these best practices, you can craft welcome email subject lines that are not only attention-grabbing but also strategically aligned with your target audience and the content within your email.

A well-crafted subject line is the first impression that sets the stage for a successful email marketing journey.

Read also: Welcome Email Templates to Win Over New Subscribers

Original Subject Lines You Can Copy and Use

We’ve covered the essential ingredients for crafting killer welcome email subject lines, but sometimes, you just need a spark of inspiration. 

Here, we offer a bouquet of fresh, creative subject lines you can adapt and incorporate into your own welcome email strategy.

Direct & informative

  • This straightforward approach offers immediate value to new subscribers.
    • “Welcome to the Club! Your Guide to Getting Started Awaits” 
  • This example below highlights the perks of subscribing and positions your customer loyalty program as an exclusive benefit.
    • “Unlock Your VIP Benefits: Your Goddess Divine Customer Loyalty Program Starts Now!” 

Humorous & engaging

  • A playful approach that creates a sense of exclusivity for new subscribers.
    • “You Made the Cut! Welcome to the Inner Circle (Don’t Tell Anyone)”. 
  • This light-hearted comparison inserts personality and positions your brand as a valuable companion.
    • “We’re Like Grammarly & You – The Dynamic Duo of Content Writing!” 

Read also: How to Send the Perfect Welcome Emails to New Employees

Personalized & intriguing

  • Personalized subject lines with a discount code offer are proven attention-grabbers.
    • “Hannah, Your Discount Code for Books is Inside!” 
  • A question tailored to the subscriber’s interests piques curiosity and positions your brand as a solution.
    • “Ready to Level Up Your Marketing Game? Aaron, We Got Your Back!” 

Question-based & interactive

  • This personalized question sparks a one-on-one dialogue and encourages engagement.
    • “What Can We Help You Achieve This Week, Lucy?” 
  • A humorous approach addresses subscriber concerns about spam filters and spam words.
    • “Feeling Overwhelmed by Emails? We Promise This Won’t Be Spam (We Swear!)”

Remember, these are just springboards! Feel free to adapt these subject lines to reflect your unique brand voice and target audience. 

For example, a Carnival Cruise Line might craft a subject line that reads: “Welcome Aboard, Cap’n! Set Sail for Exclusive Deals & First Dibs on Shore Excursions!”

By avoiding overused greetings and excessive exclamation points and focusing on clear value propositions and intriguing questions, you can craft welcome email subject lines that stand out, bypass spam filters, and spark long-term engagement with your new subscribers.   

Test different variations within your email marketing strategy to see what resonates best with your audience, and watch your welcome emails blossom into powerful tools for building customer loyalty.

Read also: How to Create a Successful Welcome Email Series


Don’t underestimate the power of a welcome email subject line! Your subject line could be the ‘love at first sight’ moment with your new subscribers. That moment is certainly the first impression that unlocks subscriber engagement and fuels your email marketing success.

So, are you ready to curate subject lines that capture your brand’s essence and resonate with your audience? Remember, subject line optimization is a journey, not a destination.

Let’s convert those welcome emails into clicks and create a loyal customer base!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a welcome email subject line effective?

Effective subject lines are clear, concise (under 50 characters), and pique the subscriber’s interest. They often incorporate personalization, a touch of intrigue, or highlight a valuable offer.

Here are some things to keep in mind while writing an effective welcome email subject lines:

  • Your message should be at least 50% conveyed 
  • The reader should get a brief idea of which industry you’re from 
  • The welcome email subject lines should invote opening. It should intrigue the reader enough to know what’s inside
  • Build a conversation through the subject lines
  • Add a touch of personalization, if possible 

How can I personalize welcome email subject lines for better engagement?

Adding personalization to your email subject lines is simple. You do not have to sit down and go into specific details for each customer. Instead, all you need to do is use subscriber names (“John, Welcome Aboard!”) or reference their area of interest (“Ready to Level Up Your Photography, Henry?”). 

Many email marketing platforms offer “personalization tokens” to automatically insert subscriber details. Just add your entire list here, and you’ll be good to go–the platform will take care of personalization on its own. 

What are common mistakes to avoid when crafting welcome email subject lines?

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Steer clear of ALL CAPS
  • Avoid excessive exclamation points
  • Steer clear of spammy words. 
  • Do not send misleading subject lines that erode trust. Ensure they reflect the email content.
  • Do not send excessively long subject lines that themselves are a snooze to read. 

How often should I test and change my welcome email subject lines?

A/B testing allows you to experiment with different subject lines and see which ones generate the highest open rates. Regular testing (every few months) helps refine your approach based on audience response.

While one A/B test per month is generally a good idea, you must also set the pace based on what works and doesn’t work for you. 

Can the same subject line work for different types of businesses?

While some formulas have broad appeal, the ideal subject line will depend on your brand voice and target audience. A playful line might suit a clothing store, while a more professional approach might resonate with a financial or legal services company.

Is it necessary to include offers or incentives in the welcome email subject line?

Highlighting an exclusive offer (“Unlock 20% Off Your First Purchase!”) can grab attention, but it’s not essential. Focus on value and intrigue to entice subscribers to open your email and learn more about your brand.

Emails with offers in the subject lines are also highly likely to be opened. However, if you do not want that look for your brand or do not have offers to present, there’s no need to stress about them. 

How do I measure the success of my welcome email subject lines?

Track your open rates! A/B testing allows you to see which subject lines generate the most clicks. Monitor these metrics and adjust your strategy based on what resonates with your subscribers.

Remember, a captivating subject line is the first glance that sets the stage for a successful email marketing journey.

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