EngageBay contacts are the most important data that the platform has. It is where all the other features find their purpose. The platform provides a sophisticated and highly functional contacts management page. This allows you to:
1. Create new contacts manually.
2. Add new contacts when a user joins a form using an email that is not yet in your contacts. Whether it be an inline form, a pop-up form, a form that is part of a landing page or the form you fill out when you set an appointment.
3. Add new contacts when the support group is emailed. This creates a contact when a unique email is used to contact your support group which you defined under EngageBay service platform.
4. Import or export contacts via a CSV file.
5. Contact filter - to easily filter and manage contacts based on the conditions.
6. Contact Details - A segmented view of the contact to see relevant contact information and other aspects involving the contact.
EngageBay is an email-based platform. That is why email is a required field in all its features relating to contact creation. Though the “First name” is also a required field, the same name can be reused in the system as long as it is paired with a unique email. If new information is introduced in the system using an email that is already in the system, it will consider it as a duplicate and will merge new info to the existing contact. This normally happens when you are importing contacts and some contacts in the CSV file are already in the system.
Just follow the steps below to manually add a contact to EngageBay:
1. You need to login to your EngageBay account. Go to the Contacts tab and choose "contacts".
2. Click on "Create New" then fill out the "New Contact" modal. You really need to enter first name and email since those are the required info. You can fill out the rest of the details as needed and you can even add custom field as necessary.
3. Once you are done filling out all the info needed, just hit submit on the bottom of the modal and a new contact will be created.
There are situations when you will be able to gather contacts from other sources. The need may also arise when you export your data out as a CSV file from another platform to migrate it to EngageBay. Normally those contact data are inputted into a sheet, like an excel file, Google sheets or similar software. Just make sure that you save that file into a CSV format and that can be imported to EngageBay.
This article will show you how the import process is done to add new contacts to EngageBay.
1. Prepare your sheet with all column headers properly defined. Column header will be matched to a field existing in EngageBay which you can manually pair in the process. Once the sheet is properly defined with all proper headings needed, save the file as CSV.
2. Check all important column headers. If there are custom fields you need in EngageBay to match the sheet’s column header, please create all the needed custom fields before starting the import process.
3. On your Engagebay dashboard. Hover your mouse over contacts tab on the top menu then click on "contacts"
4. On the "Contacts" page, please click on import button on the upper right side of the screen.
5. A pop-up will appear where you can select the file to upload then click the upload button.
6. It will now open a page where it will show you how the system matched the fields on your sheet to the fields present in Engagebay. The fields under "Column Heading" are the fields found in your .csv file/sheet. The fields under the "Field" column, are the fields within Engagebay. It is segregated into two parts. The "Columns with matches", are the fields that Engagebay was able to automatically pair with an existing field in the system. You can still change it to a field in EngageBay which you think is more suited or you can leave it as is. The second part is the "Column Without Matches", these are the field(s) that EngageBay was not able to pair to an existing field in the system. You may choose to ignore it so that it will not be included or you can manually choose a field in EngageBay. In this case, we manually paired "mobile number" from the sheet to "Phone" in the Engagebay system. Once you are done with all modifications, please press the "import" button below.
7. You can now see the contacts you have imported from the .csv file.
EngageBay contacts can be filtered based on many parameters. It can be filtered based on info like name, email, phone number, tags, location, contact source, web analytics and so on.
You can filter contacts and view them based on the conditions set. To do that just do the following.
1. Click on “add filter”
2. Define the condition you want to set.
3. Click apply filter.
4. Press save then name your filter.
5. This will now show the filter you created under the saved filter and you can re-use it anytime when the need arises.
EngageBay contact details allow you to see all the recorded contact information on the left panel and the details of other matters relating to the contact on the main panel separated by tabs. This is the ultimate segmented view dedicated to each contact where you can find activities, emails, sources, deals, tasks, notes, calls, events, tickets, workflow, automation and chats associated with the contact.
I wanted to recommend EngageBay to all those small businesses out there that are looking to grow their businesses through a marketing and sales automation platform. We've been able to see a great adaption of our agency clients to the EngageBay platform and being able to leverage their digital marketing efforts.